• Size

    56 Desks

  • Location


  • Package

    Let Ready GO

Marc Lee-Smith, Organisational Change Director

“From the very beginning of our tenancy, CEG has been extremely responsive to our needs and concerns. They have gone out of their way to ensure that we are comfortable and satisfied with the space we are renting, and have been quick to address any issues or concerns that have arisen”.

Trustmarque, Westminster Place, York

“CEG have demonstrated a high level of expertise and knowledge when it comes to managing commercial properties. They have provided us with valuable insights and advice regarding everything from lease negotiations to building maintenance and have been a true partner in helping us establish and grow our business”.


"Perhaps most importantly, CEG has consistently demonstrated a genuine concern for our success as tenants".

Let Ready GO Provided

  • Configured workstations
  • Superfast connectivity
  • Integrated kitchen
  • Multi-use breakout space
  • Full interiors