• Size

    42 Desks

  • Location


  • Package

    Let Ready Complete

Kazal Ahmed, Head of Operations for Redbrain

“Post COVID we found Alpha gave us the amenity, flexibility and growth options that we needed while easing back into the office”.

Redbrain, Alpha, Birmingham

“We initially took space in Alpha Works while we figured out what Redbrain’s new normal was and a year down the line we were ready to take half a floor of Let Ready fully-fitted space on a flexible all-inclusive lease”.

"The transition from floor 21 to floor 9 couldn’t have been easier and we hope to continue growing at Alpha for years to come".

Let Ready Custom provided

  • Superfast connectivity
  • Bespoke boardroom
  • Integrated kitchen
  • Multi-use breakout space
  • Cleaning, IT and all office management